I emailed my illustrated clarification question to you moments ago . . .
and look forward to tomorrow's final Summer Mitten Zoom.
While working on my first Bergmannens Dotter mitten I discovered when I was doing the decreases for the tupp that I had neglected to do the four rows between the cuff and hand. I pressed on anyway. The mitten fits…but could use those four rows for a “perfect” fit. And I knew that I would have to leave them off the second mitten, which bummed me out a bit. so…I decided to cut the cuff off, add the four rows and then graft it back together. As I write this I am about to graft. Hope to show you the results at tomorrow’s Zoom. I took pictures of the different stages. Fingers crossed!
I did the graft and I think it came it ok...here are a few photos: before, during and after.
Put the stitches on the rows above and below where I will insert the 4 rows on cable needles (pickup the right leg on each stitch in the row).
Snip on stitch in the "between" row and pull out the yarn.
Use Kitchener Stitch to graft the top "new" row to the existing row above it and even out the tension.
A good blocking and weaving in the ends should do it. On to the second mitten WITH the four rows included!
Jackie - Upstate New York
And another thought to revisit was
when centering hand stitches to cuff stitches if new
BOR needs to begin one stitch back (before) the already knit round of cuff BOR.
Me again,
A reminder for tomorrow's zoom
to revisit the Tuppe if Pattern goes all the way to the edge technique -
keeping the decrease stitches the one color to form the Iconic Selbu ^ shape at tuppe.
Example of Snipp Snapp Snute Palm side
Hi Patricia,
Thank you for this delightful Summer Mitten KAL
and also the mitten pattern above.
I emailed my illustrated clarification question to you moments ago . . .
and look forward to tomorrow's final Summer Mitten Zoom.
While working on my first Bergmannens Dotter mitten I discovered when I was doing the decreases for the tupp that I had neglected to do the four rows between the cuff and hand. I pressed on anyway. The mitten fits…but could use those four rows for a “perfect” fit. And I knew that I would have to leave them off the second mitten, which bummed me out a bit. so…I decided to cut the cuff off, add the four rows and then graft it back together. As I write this I am about to graft. Hope to show you the results at tomorrow’s Zoom. I took pictures of the different stages. Fingers crossed!
Jackie-upstate New York