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Knitography Virtual Classroom One Year Celebration Prize winners!

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Madame Purl
Madame Purl
Sep 26, 2021

So cool to win a little something! I just ordered the books too. So excited for this continuing journey.


Sep 24, 2021

So sorry to have missed the one year celebration. Patricia, you are such a kind and wonderful person as well as an amazing teacher! I am so grateful for the gift of your knowledge of Traditional Norwegian knitting that you share with us! And for the community you give to uus! Thank you for all you do!!


Sep 24, 2021

What a wonderful celebration, Patricia. So glad I was able to be in the call… we returned home from holidays about half an hour before it started! It’s been a pleasure and a privilege to share the past year with you and this wonderful community… I’ve learned so much, and am looking forward to continuing the journey. My thanks as well for the prize - very kind, and much appreciated.




Denise Wilkinson
Denise Wilkinson
Sep 23, 2021

Oh Patricia! For all the dedication, hard work, and love not only for your sheep but for all of us, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You at the brink of total despair from the disastrous economic impact due to the pandemic not only turned things around for your your farm, but for all of us! Congratulations on your success and being an outstanding model of perseverance done with a kind, loving spirit, despite those whose resolve or vision was lacking. It is a privilege to know you, to participate in your classes and learn so much about knitting and the Norwegian culture you embrace and kindly share with us who dearly appreciate it. Thank yo…


Marlene Carron
Marlene Carron
Sep 23, 2021

Congratulations on your 1st Year Anniversary ! And thanks to you for teaching me not only many knitting skills but how to keep my head above the Covid waters and not sink into despair. The knitting progress was like a safe harbor throughout the year. Your story truly resonated with me and I wish you much continued success!

Sep 23, 2021
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Thank you Marlene for your kindness and encouragement!

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